Hi There!

I’m Ashton.

I love to create. And paint. And laugh!

I’ve been creative since I could hold a crayon, and I’ve been creating ever since. Whether I was doodling on a napkin in a restaurant, or drawing in the margins of my notebook in class, I’ve always been drawn to creating beautiful things.

I didn’t study art in College. I took a different path, studying french, and after graduation I commissioned into the United States Air Force where I am currently stationed and serving in Washington, D.C. with my amazing husband, two daughters, and my ever-mischievous cat/studio assistant, Roy. I started painting seriously in 2020 and have been gently growing my art business ever since.

Painting brings me joy and wonder and peace and is inspired by my wild, sometimes chaotic, wonderful life. I hope that my art helps you create a warm, friendly environment no matter where you display it. May it help your house feel like a home, where all are welcome and a part of the family.

If you’d like to partner with me to create something joyful for your home, office, or dorm room, contact me at ashton@ashtonrossart.com.

I am a proud member of the United States Veterans’ Artist Alliance (USVAA). Find out more information here.